Thursday, October 30, 2008

Birthday Girl's Day!

Today, Meredith turned 4 years old. Sang birthday song for her when she woke up in the morning.

On the way to school, she mumbled to herself, "birthday girl don't cry, I yawned only". Funny????

Did not celebrate in school as she doesn't want, so just distributed goodies bags for her friends. She was very happy and proud of it.

We went for a movie - "Sing to the Dawn" at 2.30 pm. After which, she had her favourite bacon and cheese takoyaki.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday to Meredith

This year we celebrated Dith's B/D at karaoke near my house. Invited only family members and some of her close friends.

Very special right? Karaoke ... Dith, Renee and Melissa enjoyed themselves singing their favourite Hokkien songs on stage.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Handbags Spree

It has been a long long time since I carry small tote bags which I used to before giving birth.

Crazy handbags spree, bought two within a week: -

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lumpy Wants her Mummy!

Meredith has a small Lumpy when she succeeded in her toilet training on 22 June 2007. She has recently been very attached to Lumpy and told me that Lumpy is lonely and wants her mummy. Ops, am I too engrossed in taking care of Keegan and she felt left out?

As usual, she will normally get what she wants if I can afford it. I called up the distributor for the Winne the Pooh & Friends soft toys and was informed they do not have Lumpy anymore and asked me to try Mustafa Shopping Centre.

Thanks to Auntie Kim suggestion, we went to OG Orchard after zoo phonics class and we really found the one and only Mummy Lumpy...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Visit to Fishing Farm

Since it was Children's Day, I felt that I should ask Meredith what and where would she likes to go. She requested to go "catch fish".

Together with my mother-in-law and Vincent's family, we went to a fish farm in Farmway 1, can't remember the name of the farm as Vincent brought us there.

Eugene and I was glad that we brought Meredith there instead of shopping, see toys etc. Both Meredith and Melissa enjoyed themselves feeding the fishes and my mother-in-law too doing fish spa therapy.

Nice place, will definitely go again. The next time, I want to try fishing prawns.