Friday, June 22, 2007

Meredith's New Friend, Lumpy

Potty training succeeded! Meredith did it... Praising & rewarding do works. How she did it?

Brought her to kiddy palace, asked her to choose the potty that she likes. Encouraged her to wee wee in the potty. Whenever she did it, all of us will clap hands and praising her.

Meredith is a fan of Winne the Pooh and she always wanted to have one of pooh's friend, "Lumpy". So, I offered to buy her that if she succeed in her potty training.

Today, she brought home her new friend, Lumpy.

Warning was also given, if she happens to wee wee on the floor, Lumpy will leave her...

1 comment:

Lyin said...

Contragulation! A big kiss from Auntie Leeyin!