Monday, August 27, 2007

Yahoo Auction!

Managed to sell away my Gucci Large Messenger bag via yahoo auction last Thu. Posted for about 2 months. Sold at $950, bought at $1400, a loss of $450.

Compared to selling to second hand shop which I can only get back $700, this was considered very good price.

Reminder to Rebecca, never buy "expensive" bag impulsively.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Fenying Recipe from Love 97.2 FM

My mum was telling me that I can find cooking recipes in Love 97.2 FM by Fenying and wanted me to take a look.

Managed to find it and would like to share with you all.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

December Holiday

The Goh Family is considering having December holiday in Tokyo & Osaka. Knowing that I cannot eat Japanese food, Vincent suggested that we should start eating it every weekend so I can get used to it.

I am allergy to Japanese food since I was in secondary school. Cannot take raw food, sushi, eel, udon & also miso soup. Will either have diarrhoea or vomit.

Today, we went to Kuryia at Shaw Centre, 5th floor. I ordered a katsudon set meal & a chawamushi followed by a scoop of macha ice-cream. Ordered a udon with seaweed for Meredith as she has a little cough.

Meredith is just like me, don't know how to appreciate Japanese food, seem like she almost vomitted after finishing the bowl of udon. Her expression was so funny that Eugene & my mum-in-law cannot stopped laughing ;>)

For me, guess what happened! Vomitted the macha ice-cream instead of the food, good try right?

Thanks Vincent for the dinner!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

National Day Celebration

Today, Meredith celebrated National Day in school. All of us are dressed in red & white. The teachers & kids danced and sang birthday song for Singapore. The kids enjoyed most was the food, especially Meredith!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Roti Prata

Mummies' breakfast venue today was at The Prata House along Thomson Road.

Georgina did not know where we have decided to eat this morning and she was shocked when we went into the Roti Prata House. This was her first attempt to have roti prata and a glass of teh halia made by Indian. Kim's reaction was so funny and asked me to put this in my blog.

Personally, I prefer the roti prata at Casurina road instead of Jalan Kayu. What's yours?

When I was expecting Meredith 3 years ago. My craving was roti prata and nasi lemak, I ate it everyday for breakfast. Morning sickness was very bad for the first 4 months, vomited every meal except for breakfast. Time really flies, those was the days.