Friday, October 26, 2007

My New Compaq Presario V3000

Ah Wee had an extra laptop since he re-contracted his starhub. Decided to buy from him as my old HP desktop will be dead soon.

Yesterday, Meredith played the games from Sesame Street and offered to shut down the laptop for me. Well, I agreed and guided her since she can handle the mouse now quite well.

Instead of clicking on shut down, she accidentally clicked on "hibernate" and the screen was gone. At that moment, I was shocked and had raised my voice on her. Tried to press on the power button but it does not work. Meredith moved and clicked on the mouse and then .... the screen is back. Guess what she told me, "there... came back already.

Afterwhich, I shut down the laptop and she said again, "see, shut down already" and gave me a snobbishly look. Eugene, our Meredith has grown up.

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