Monday, September 22, 2008

No more milk ...

I was down with sore throat and fever last saturday. Milk supply went down suddenly from 160 ml per session to 120 ml per day.

My intital plan was to stop when he turns 6 months, who knows, he is only 5 months 3 weeks old. I was quite disappointed at first, but when the time taken up for the expressing was cut down, I have more free time. I get to sleep earlier as I don't need to wait till 11 pm for my last expressing and wake up at 5 am for expressing too.

Previously, still thinking of how to stop the milk production without taking medication. Well, consider it a blessing that it stop production naturally.

Hee, my breasts are not as "big" as when breastfeeding (size 80C). However, now I fit size 75C (before pregnancy was size 75A).

Bye bye ... "suck suck"

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