Monday, February 18, 2008

Mummy & Daddy, I want to go airport and send Renee!

Sogo and his family went back to Shanghai on 16 Feb 08 after spending 2 weeks in Singapore.

Meredith, Renee, Melissa & Javen managed to spend time playing and quarrelling together again. Guess, it must be very enjoyable for Renee since she is alone in Shanghai.

As for Sean, Leroy & Nigel,they were happy as well. Especially, Joel was able to join us on CNY's Eve and 1st Day of CNY.

When I told Meredith that Renee was going back to Shanghai that day, she told me she loves Renee and want to send her at the airport. We guessed it could be both their zodiac sign is monkey that made them very close.

When it was time to say goodbye at the departure gate, Meredith gave Renee a goodbye hug and Renee was so sad and kept saying "I wanted Meredith". Guess, this made Janet's eyes turned red...

Well, they will be back again in July for their summer holidays, will see them again soon.

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