Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Little Keegan is now 33 weeks old!

5 more weeks to go ... April 6, 2008 will be the day to welcome Keegan to Goh Family. Will Keegan looks like Eugene or me?

I had cesarean for Meredith as she was breech, will do the same for Keegan even though I might have the chance to choose natural birth. No, no, I don't want, scared of the labour pain.

I failed in breastfeeding for Meredith, developed Mastitis. The pain was unbearable, both my breasts were as hard as cheese. Went to seek help from Mrs Wong Boh Boi from Thomson Medical Centre, my goodness, the massage that she did for me, made me cried so badly that Eugene had never seen it before. This time round, I must succeed for Keegan. Any successful tips for me?

Picture of Meredith when she was 2-day old.

Want to see how "Pretty" I am, when expecting I was Meredith? This was taken on the day before admitting hospital.

Did I scare you???

This is how I look now! Better? Eugene's comments: JUST AS BAD!!!

1 comment:

pillo said...

YESSSSSSS! EEeeeeeeks!