Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy 11th Anniversary to Eugene & Myself!

6 March 1997 - 6 March 2008, 11 years!!!

It has been 11 years since we had our registered marriage. Eugene & I got to know each other on 30 September 1992 (16 years ago) at Lee Keng Community Centre karaoke. Both of us worked part-time there where his sis-in-law was the manager there then.

My first impression of Eugene was not a good one as he teased me with another waiter who wanted to "court" me. As time passed, we got to know each other better and I even wanted to introduce him one of my best friend, Judith. Not knowing that he already felt in love with me!

I did not immediately accept the relationship as I was not ready at that time. However, Eugene was very persistent, he "chased" me for about 1 year. I was really touched by him and that was how we started as a couple in Year 1994.

When Eugene started working, his ex-company required him to travel overseas very frequently and also long working hours, even when he was in Singapore. Maybe that was the cause of his male chauvinist and quick temper, as mentioned in his blog.

Why did we had our ROM so young, aged 23 & 22 years old? Thanks to his ex-company! He was almost being transferred to station in China and my dad insisted that we get married first, so that I could followed him. He must not be there "alone", my dad warned me. Luckily, he left the company for a better one, which he is still with them.

We had our Chinese customary wedding on 29 January 2002. Our first darling girl, Meredith was born on 30 October 2004 and upcoming one, darling boy, Keegan will be on 6 April 2008.
ROM in Y1997

Customary Wedding in Y2002

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