Sunday, April 20, 2008

Do the Cow, Moo moo!

Keegan is currently on total breastfeeding since he is back from his photo-therapy last Wednesday.

He only latch on twice a day during day time and I have been expressing out every 3 hourly,even at night. I am still considering if I should also let him latch on during night time. This time round, I am successful in breastfeeding.

On the 3rd day morning after giving birth, I had engorgement as the milk supply is "coming in". The nurses at Thomson Medical Centre were very kind enough to massage for me. Had requested for cold cabbage that night and also kept expressing and luckily, the breast had soften the next morning.

I almost wanted to give up that night as I was afraid of having the same experience that I had during Meredith's time, that was mastitis. That morning, I woke up and found my breasts were as hard as cheese, had high fever and could not even moved my arms.

Currently, I am expressing about 90 - 110 ml each time every 3 hourly. During the first week, I only have about 20 - 40 ml. Keegan is now drinking 90 ml.

Keep it going .... my target is 200 ml each time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello. Happy Belated Birthday! Congrats on managing to do total breastfeeding!! Managed to wean him off milk powder? ha now can save money on milk powder. cheers!