Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mummy, you are so "smelly"

One of the things that cannot be done during confinement: - no shower and hair wash, can only wipe the body with the herbal water and powder shampoo hair.

I have not had my shower since 7 April, a total of 14 days. My hair stinks like hell... have been sweating so much. Can see little "flies" flying around me.

Meredith said "mummy, you are so smelly" & Eugene called me "sour cow", the only one with no complain is Keegan. Why cow? cos I have been expressing breast milk for Keegan every 3 hourly.

Cannot tahan liao, have requested for shower and hair wash tomorrow using herbal water and finally, my confinement nanny agreed to it. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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