Monday, June 9, 2008

Keegan is 2 months and 3 days old

Keegan had his 1st immunisation(6 in 1) and also rotavirus vaccine this morning. Expected to have slight fever, given him 1 dose of progessic (1 ml). Guess it must be uncomfortable cos he is very grouchy now ... kept crying and can't get into his sleep.

He now weighs 5.87 kg and 60.5 cm long. Dr Lee commented that he is growing well, big boy.

Saw the two red rounded rashes on his cheek? Thought it was milk rash, but Dr Lee confirmed it was eczema.

He has reflux too, we have to add thicker in my breastmilk and also carry him upright when feeding. In this way, he will be more comfortable.

He is still waking up for milk in the middle of the night, how I wish he will be like Meredith, sleep thorough the night when she was 2 months old. We used the same method as Meredith but did not work on Keegan, got to think of a another way to wean him off the night feed. Mummy's eyes are like "panda" now.

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