Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Attractive Package to boost Singapore's Birth Rate!

The government is giving more tax breaks, parental leave to boost Singapore’s birth rate. 16 weeks of maternity leave, baby bonus of $4000 etc. Indeed very attractive but not for me. Two is enough for me, at least at this moment.

With Keegan growing up, he wants attention too. Have to manage him and Meredith well to prevent jealousy. What is most headache for me is during sleeping time, when I need to help Meredith to brush teeth and change pyjamas, Keegan will cry for attention. Think I got to ask my maid to change her shower time. Really cannot imagine those mothers out there without maids.

Every night, they will both have their bedtime stories before sleeping. Meredith will sleep first followed by Keegan after his last feeding and lights off.

The only free time which I have is when both of them are asleep, which is now... So, third one... hmmmm...

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