Thursday, August 21, 2008

National Breastfeeding Week

Read an article on breastfeeding on today's Mind your Body. I agreed that not all mothers are able to breastfeed. Common problems encountered include sore or cracked nipples, blocked milk ducts, engorgement and lack of milk.

I did not succeed in breastfeeding Meredith, never really thought that engorgement could be so painful. At that time, due to poor latched on, I suffered cracked nipples and soon experienced engorged breasts. They got very hard and painful. I had fever too. My gyane gave me antibiotics and also had a cut on my right breast to remove the pus. I was very sad at the moment when my gyane asked me to stop breastfeeding.

Since then, I was determined to succeed for my second child, which I did. Still going on for Keegan. He is on total breastfeed. However, will be stopping when he turns 6 months which will be on 6 October 2008. Felt a little pity but at least I did it.

Regretted that I did not take photo of my "milk" which I stored in the freezer a month ago. I had problems storing them as my freezer was full, not able to buy ice cream and other frozen foods. However, I slow down my expressing and also with Keegan's increase milk intake, this is what I have now ...

Must not forget to take a nice picture of breastfeeding Keegan.

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