Monday, January 21, 2008

Meredith's New Friend, Mashimaro!

Yesterday, we went to the pasa malam at Toa Payoh. There was a Taiwan game stall for kids. Meredith helped herself with the game by sitting on the stool shouting, "mummy, I want to play"

It was something like pin ball game whereby you will earn points. I must admit that she is quite good in playing these games, she got herself 317 for 140 pcs of balls.

Here is her prize:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I want to win, so keep the yellow ones!

Meredith and I were playing Connect Four Game yesterday. I explained the instructions to her and we started the game. She chooses green chess and I took the yellow ones.

Instructions: Each player chooses either the green or yellow chess pieces to start playing. Take turns to drop a chess pc into any of the seven columns. The first player to successfully get four of their chess pcs in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game.

Wherever she puts her green chess, I blocked her and she asked me not to block her. After the 2nd game, she asked me to keep the yellow chess so that both of us can put the green ones together, then she is the winner lor!

Very smart right?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our New Website!

Eugene and I have been in Unicity for a number of years and I am not actively doing the business except consuming the products.

With the recent launch of Bios Life, Eugene is more convinced than ever that he has a product that is as good as the statin drug (without the possible related side effects). Clinically proven to lower the elevated levels of LDL cholesterol (or known as bad cholesterol) and increase the low levels of HDL cholesterol (otherwise known as good cholesterol) and could possibly prevent the No. 1 Killer Disease in the world - Cardiovascular Disease, partly caused by high total cholesterol ratio.

With the knowledge that he has gained from attending a series of boot camp and seminars on internet marketing in Y2007, he finally made his own website marketing a range of nutritional and herbal supplements from Unicity, primarily focusing on Bios Life.

Nutritional Supplements
Cholesterol Concerns

Do spend sometime and take a look. Let us have your comments on it.

You made it, Eugene!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Day of School!

Today, Meredith attends nursery class at the school just next to our block. Yup, no need to be her driver for schooling now.

She was very excited about it, woke up herself at 7.45 am and started asking when are we going to school.

Her class starts at 9 am and ends at 12 noon. However, for this week, she only studied for an hour.

When we reached the school door, I handed her to her teacher Shemin and said goodbye to her, she was alright. She gave me the usual hug and kiss and said bye bye mummy.

Thinking back how she screamed and cried till vomited last year while she attended pre-nursery at Zoo-phonics school. She has really grown up.

A picture of her taken on 12 January 2007. She looks prettier now right?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Being an Exciting Wife starting Y2008!

As usual, no countdown party for New Year's Eve for Eugene, Dith & myself.

We had dinner with Eugene's customer and his family who were in Singapore for holiday at Long Beach @ Dempsey Hill. Afterwhich, we dropped them at Paragon and proceeded to Kiddy Palace at Toa Payoh HDB Hub since Dith wanted to go "kai kai".

On our way back home, Eugene commented that his wish for me starting Y2008 is to turn me into an exciting wife so that I will not turn "yellow" after being a SAHM for 2 years, also with our second baby boy arriving soon in early April 2008.

Appreciate wines, networking and attending personal development courses with him etc., are his wishes. Okie, I will try ...

As for Eugene, he will be travelling overseas even more this year. I hope he will take good care of his own health and wish him a peaceful & prosperous year ahead.

Meredith will be starting her nursery tomorrow in a new school, I hope she will enjoy herself making new friends.