Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Day of School!

Today, Meredith attends nursery class at the school just next to our block. Yup, no need to be her driver for schooling now.

She was very excited about it, woke up herself at 7.45 am and started asking when are we going to school.

Her class starts at 9 am and ends at 12 noon. However, for this week, she only studied for an hour.

When we reached the school door, I handed her to her teacher Shemin and said goodbye to her, she was alright. She gave me the usual hug and kiss and said bye bye mummy.

Thinking back how she screamed and cried till vomited last year while she attended pre-nursery at Zoo-phonics school. She has really grown up.

A picture of her taken on 12 January 2007. She looks prettier now right?

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