Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our New Website!

Eugene and I have been in Unicity for a number of years and I am not actively doing the business except consuming the products.

With the recent launch of Bios Life, Eugene is more convinced than ever that he has a product that is as good as the statin drug (without the possible related side effects). Clinically proven to lower the elevated levels of LDL cholesterol (or known as bad cholesterol) and increase the low levels of HDL cholesterol (otherwise known as good cholesterol) and could possibly prevent the No. 1 Killer Disease in the world - Cardiovascular Disease, partly caused by high total cholesterol ratio.

With the knowledge that he has gained from attending a series of boot camp and seminars on internet marketing in Y2007, he finally made his own website marketing a range of nutritional and herbal supplements from Unicity, primarily focusing on Bios Life.

Nutritional Supplements
Cholesterol Concerns

Do spend sometime and take a look. Let us have your comments on it.

You made it, Eugene!

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